The Contact page.

Mail me. Although it would be advisable to remove the brackets. I merely use them to prevent spam.

Sign my guestbook, by all means.

Drop me a note. Sorry - Diaryland members only.

MSN: neurotic_kitten[]

AIM: I don't use AOL Instant Messenger. It's not that I don't want to. I just have a really slow computer and I have trouble enough as it is with just booting the freakin' thing up.

Please note that I'm not always readily available on MSN. My excuse being that I'm not always well enough to talk to many people; and obviously, I also use it to sign into my Hotmail account. I mean, have you seen how long it takes for their server to access your mail account?

I'm working on an email form, just to make life a little more simpler. I don't know how long that will take, so just bear with me until then.

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